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The Town of Riverdale Park Veterans Monument

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§ A Photo Gallery of the Construction and Dedication of the Riverdale Park Veterans Monument
§ Inscriptions on the Monument

In early 1998, the Mayor and Council of Riverdale Park, MD authorized the creation of a committee to design, raise funds for, and build a veteran's monument. Five veterans answered the call and stepped forward to serve again: Ray Badders, Jack Ferguson, Cleveland Moffett, Howard Simons, Jr., and J.D. Williams.

The first step was to select a site. J.D. Williams was tasked to locate the site. An area adjacent to the railroad tracks and directly across from Town Center was selected and approved by the Mayor and Town Council.

The site before construction

During the site selection and approval process, the committee began work on the monument design. The biggest challenge faced by this committee of headstrong, stubborn veterans was to reach unanimous agreement on all of the vital issues. Through brainstorming and much discussion, the committee decided that the monument design should acknowledge every man and woman who served our nation dating back to the Revolutionary War. In addition, the committee wanted to recognize the sacrifices to be made in the future in the defense of our nation.

The finished monument

As you look at the monument, the column on the left pays tribute to the sacrifice of the patriots of the American Revolution and all who followed. The center section acknowledges the veterans and active-duty servicemen of today. On the right is the column that has a message that will change with each veteran-related ceremony.

This project would not have been possible without the support and help of hundreds of people. Donations were made on behalf of loved ones who served in times of war and peace. The committee recieved numerous suggestions and comments that were incorporated insofar as possible and there were many people who labored behind the scenes on this grand project. A heart-felt thank you to one and all.

To see the construction and dedication of the monument, look at the
Photo Gallery of the Veterans Monument

This page was last changed on Sunday, August 13, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 19705 times.