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Refuse Collection Restrictions

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(Public Works Department)
§ Landscaping
§ Snow Removal
§ Trash Pickup
§ Refuse Collection Restrictions

Riverdale Park Public Works Dept. will not pickup the following items:

  1. Tree trunks, stumps and bamboo of any size.

  2. Tree limbs, shrubs - over 6 inches in diameter and 5 feet in length. All other tree limbs, shrubs must be tied in bundles not over 30 lbs.

  3. Remodeling:
    1. Lumber - from demolition or replacement for a structure or component of a structure
    2. Roofing material - whole roof or part thereof
    3. Plaster, plasterboard and interior tile

  4. Chain link fence and poles.

  5. Lawnmowers or any other gas powered tool unless gas tank is removed

  6. Automobiles - including major components -call for information.

  7. Dirt, stone, gravel, and sod

  8. Concrete block and brick

  9. Cement, concrete and bituminous pavement rubble

  10. Antifreeze, oil of any kind, and hazardous materials, and/or chemicals

  11. Road material

  12. Paint

  • Place your acceptable household bulky trash out by the curb between sundown the day before and 7am on second scheduled pickup day of each week. (Area A on Thursday and Area B on Friday.)

  • Metal will be collected separately each week. Place your metal out by the curb between sundown the day before and 7am on second scheduled pickup day of each week. (Area A on Thursday and Area B on Friday.)

  • Loose trash of any kind that may be scattered must be confined in containers with a tight fitting lid.

  • Trash cans over 35 gallons will not be emptied (due to injuries to employees.)

  • Trash cans with loose food and garbage will not be emptied. All cans must use inserts to hold the trash and have a tight fitting lid.

  • We now can pickup units containing refrigerants for a fee. Fees must be paid at Town Hall prior to pick up. Fees are: tires - $2.50 each, dehumidifiers - $5 each, air conditioners - $15 each, refrigerators or freezers - $25 each. Seniors receive 20% discount. Call Public Works to arrange special item pickups before putting them out for pickup.

Call Public Works Dept. 301-864-1803 for more information.

This page was last changed on Saturday, May 4, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 8896 times.