Riverdale Park on the Internet
Leslie Plant
Here are a few sites and e-mail lists of local interest.
Town-Sponsored E-mail Lists
Free, user-friendly e-mail lists bring timely information about Riverdale Park to your inbox.
Sign up at
Town-Announce: events, meetings, agendas
ComTalk: discussions on improving communications
TownTalk: informal, wide-ranging discussions
Get anouncements concerning the Market http://clarimetry.com/mailman/listinfo/rpfarmersmarket_clarimetry.com
Blogs are personal observations about anything.
Jack Jones (Ward 1) http://TheRiverdaleObserver.blogspot.com
James Landry (Ward 1) http://MusicFromTheFilm.blogspot.com
Andrew Farrington (Ward 1) http://castironskillet.blogspot.com
Maureen Farrington (Ward 1) http://riverdaleparkette.blogspot.com
David Hiles (Ward 2); lots of local links (see also Hiles Web site, listed separately) http://RiverdalePark.blogspot.com
Alan Thompson (Ward 2) http://riverdale-park-politics.blogspot.com
Audrey Bragg (Ward 2) http://RiverdaleParkReader.blogspot.com
Unofficial site; lots of good photos www.lissa.net/riverdale
Riverdale Volunteer Fire Department www.RiverdaleVFD.com/home.html
Town services (town site) www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/CityServices/default.html
Riverdale Park Business Association www.RiverdaleParkBiz.com
History of historic Sears catalog homes www.lissa.net/riverdale/Riverdale%20Sears%20Homes.html
Riversdale Historical Society www.riversdale.org
Riversdale Mansion information, including rental info www.pgparks.com/places/ElegantHistoric/riversdale_intro.html
Local artist Gerald King's Riverdale Park paintings www.GeraldKing.com/Riverdale.htm
David Hiles, former Ward 2 council member, gives lots of information and posts recent issues of the Town Crier http://homepage.mac.com/hilesd/RiverdalePark/Personal7.html
The Riverdale Park M-U-T-C Zone Project are the guidelines for our town center http://www.mncppc.org/cpd/riverdalepark.htm
Local, County, State Government
Maryland Archives, Riverdale Park page www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/37mun/riverdale/html/r.html
Riverdale Park history http://www.mdmunicipal.org/cities/index.cfm?townname=RiverdalePark&page=home
Find your elected state officials www.MDelect.net/ElectedOfficials
Links on the official town site www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/RelatedLinks/default.html
Gazette online www.gazette.net/princegeorgescty
County, local, area news and weather www.topix.net/city/riverdale-park-md
Website from our Hyattsville neighbors concerning environmental protection, strengthening the community and building a healthy local economy www.groups.yahoo.com/group/HOPE_in_Hyattsville
Information and resources for organizing events and activities for county families www.groups.yahoo.com/group/pgparents
Data from various sources www.city-data.com/city/Riverdale-Park-Maryland.html
U.S. Census data (year 2000) for Riverdale Park http://censtats.census.gov/data/MD/1602466635.pdf (this is a PDF file with Riverdale Park census data).
[If approved, a new Town Crier site will list the links shown here and offer recent issues in portable document format, or PDF. Some issues are available online now: http://homepage.mac.com/hilesd/RiverdalePark/Personal7.html -Editor.]
If you have a link to add to this list, send it to Leslie Plant: soapmkr@erols.com.
Disclaimer: All links are provided for the convenience of our residents. Any opinions expressed on any site are those of the site's owners and not necessarily those of the Town Crier or the Town of Riverdale Park.