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Council Actions for April 2000

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Following is a summary of council actions taken at the March 6, 2000 regular legislative session and March 9 and 20, 2000 special legislative sessions.. Absences, abstentions and opposing votes are noted.

Regular Legislative Session March 6, 2000 CM Romero absent

1. Approved resolution 2000- OR-1 restricting front yard parking to prepared surfaces.

2. Approved installation of a 6-foot fence at 5009 Oglethorpe Street (Ward 3).

3. Approved resolution 2000-R-1, a financial requirement for the town's pension plan.

4. Authorized an amount up to $150,000 for town hall improvements: conference room, archival storage, video room and dropped ceiling.

Special legislative session March 9, 2000

1. Authorized borrowing $500,000 for Phase II infrastructure improvements: townwide projects for streets, curbs and sidewalks.

Special legislative session March 20, 2000

1. Approved annexation resolution 2000 CR-1 to incorporate the land which includes St. Bernard's Church and School and one private property on Nicholson Street into the town boundaries.

2. Approved that the annexed land incorporated into the town boundaries under 2000 CR-1 be part of Ward 6.

3. Authorized that the Community Development Block Grant funding of $100,000 for Riverdale Road from Taylor Road to Kenilworth Avenue include drainage, sidewalk, curb, and apron improvements and road resurfacing as needed.

4. Authorized an amount of $8,000 to Stottler, Stagg & Associates for design work for town hall improvements.

This page was last changed on Saturday, April 8, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4379 times.