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Letter to the Editor for August 2000

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Dear Editor:

I've been a resident of Riverdale Park for 33 years. I raised 5 sons who all had to go to other towns to play sports. I am now raising my 7 year-old grandson, and I am glad he has the opportunity to play for the Riverdale Boys & Girls Club.

I am very concerned about the parking problem at our club's "Field of Dreams" on Tuckerman and Lafayette, and I'm appalled at the lack of concern our Mayor and some of our Town Council Members have shown in dealing with this problem. I watched the last meeting when Council Member Michael Herman proposed that the town build parking spaces alongside the field. Everyone else sounded like the town did too much for the B&G Club, and seemed like they were threatening to sell the ballfield property if the B&G Club didn't toe the line! While I appreciate what my town government has done, I feel that's their job, and the Mayor and Council should be glad to help our kids. The cost involved in solving this parking problem is a small price to pay to keep our kids out of trouble and involved in wholesome activities. Hopefully our youth will stay in town when they grow up and give back to our community.

The Mayor and Council need to find another solution if they don't agree with Mr. Herman's, not just keep putting it off by tabling it. Soccer season will start soon, and we will still have this problem we've had for years. The Mayor said people could just drop off kids, but I'm not one who just drops off my children; I stay there with him, as many others do. We need a solution now! I encourage all residents to support our children by attending the next council meeting on Monday August 7th starting at 8 pm, in Crescent Cities Center (the former Leland Hospital on Queensbury Road and Rt 1). It's a matter of priorities, and we need to let our town leaders know that our kids come first.

Helen D. Tyson
4806 Nicholson St.

[Editor's Note: On July 24, the General Services Administration (GSA) signed an agreement with the Town for use of its parking lot north of the ballfield.]

This page was last changed on Sunday, August 13, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4574 times.