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Town Crier for August, 1999

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§ Information about Riverdale Park
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Local Navigation Links
(News/Town Crier)
§ Special Events in August
§ Community Circles for August, 1999
§ Council Actions taken at June 7, June 21, June 22 and July 9, 1999, sessions
§ Letters to the Editor August 1999
§ Neighborhood Night Out 1999
§ Photos Needed for Nigel Fanfare Memorial
§ Senator Paul Sarbanes Visits Route One Corridor
§ Veterans Monument Honor Roll for August 1999

Red Light Camera Enforcement Underway

In June, our town became the first municipality in Prince George's County to initiate red light camera enforcement as a safety measure to reduce accidents on the many highways which traverse us.

Three intersections in the town are equipped to identify violators who run through red lights--only vehicles which actually run through the intersection on a red light are photographed. To date the highest number of violators are those westbound on East-West Highway at the Taylor Road intersection.

Ninety-six percent of violators are out-of-town residents. In the first month of operation 900 citations were issued--another 1300 "hits," meaning drivers who had run red lights, were not cited because of a technical defect in the photograph. The photograph, which is the basis for the citation, must meet a strict set of criteria.

The primary focus of this initiative is to reduce accidents. Figures on improved safety cannot be determined until at least 90 days of data are available to the Police Department. An update on accident figures at intersections with red light enforcement will be published in a Fall issue of The TownCrier.

National Magazine Coverage

Trains magazine, in its August 1999 issue, features the "wye"--a CSX junction in Hyattsville--termed "the gateway to the south in suburban Washington." Included in the article is a handsome photograph of the Riverdale Park MARC train station.

Information and maps on the location of the Town Center MARC station and the Hyattsville junction encourage train enthusiasts to find us for excellent photo opportunities.

This page was last changed on Sunday, August 1, 1999. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 6881 times.