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Town of Riverdale Park Web Site

Global Navigation Links
§ Recent Changes to the Site
§ Overview
§ Town Services & Contact Info
§ Information about Riverdale Park
§ Town History
§ News and Events
§ Related Links
§ Search This Web Site

Local Navigation Links
§ Information about Riverdale Park
§ Town Services & Contact Info
§ Town History
§ News and Events
§ Overview
§ Recent Changes to the Site
§ Related Links
§ Search This Web Site

Welcome to our Town!

We think Riverdale Park is a great place to live, work, and play. Over a thousand families think so too. We think you'll see why as you explore Riverdale Park online!

Hot News

02 November 2005, 7:42 p.m.: An experimental web site for the Town Crier (including a small number of archived issues) is at This site is a personal project of the current Town Crier editor.

02 November 2005, 7:40 p.m.: The November Edition of the Town Crier is available in PDF format.

01 October 2005, 10:36 a.m.: The October Edition of the Town Crier is available in PDF format.

28 August 2005, 9 p.m.: The Town of Riverdale Park has another new e-mail list,, which allows residents to discuss a wide variety of topics. You can subscribe at

A list of all e-mail lists for the town is at

17 June 2005 8:31 a.m.: The Town of Riverdale Park has a new e-mail list,, which announces upcoming meetings and events. You can subscribe at

This list was created at the request of Mayor Vernon Archer so citizens would have more notice of upcoming meetings and could be more involved in town government.

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This page was last changed on Sunday, August 25, 2005. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 19195 times.