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Riverdale Park Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 121 Presents 27 inch TV

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§ Riverdale Park Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 121 Presents 27 inch TV
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The Riverdale Park Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 121 conducted a raffle in October 1999 for a 27" color TV. Congratulations to the owner of The Riverdale Pizza Pub, Tim Leech, who purchased the winning ticket.

The FOP would like to thank everyone who participated in the raffle and ask for your continued support.

Police present TV set to raffle winner

Lodge 121 was formed in February 1999 and represents sworn officers of the Riverdale Park Police Department.

From left to right - Sgt. Timmons, FOP Vice President, Officer Phelps, FOP Secretary/ Treasurer, Tim Leech, and Sgt. Clites, FOP President.

This page was last changed on Wednesday, February 2, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 6030 times.