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Council Actions for April 2001

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(Town Crier for April 2001)
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§ Council Actions for April 2001
§ Farewell to Miss Bailey

Following is a summary of council actions taken at the March 5 regular legislative session and March 21 special legislative session. Absences, abstentions and opposing votes are noted.

Regular Legislative Session March 5, 2001 (CM Tiberio absent.)

1. Tabled consideration of a request for special exception to operate daycare center at 5307 Powhatan Road (owners: Mack and Deborah Grade) Ward 6, to a Special Legislative Session on March 21.

2. Approved charter amendment 2001-CR-1 to require a run-off be held in the event no candidate receives a majority vote in an election.

3. Motion to pass 2001-OR-2, an ordinance for campaign finance reporting failed for lack of four affirmative votes. (CM Davis and Gross abstained.)

4. Approved installation of "No Parking" signs on north side of Greenway Drive (Ward 6).

5. Withdrew, at this time, 2001-OR-1, an ordinance directing the publication of the town newsletter.

6. Approved replacement of Ward 1 election judge previously approved with appointment of Alan Thompson of Sheridan Street, Karen Proctor of Taylor Road for Ward 2 and appointed Marilyn Schoppet of Riverdale Road as Ward 6 election judge.

7. Approved members of Board of Directors for Pension Plan: Patrick J. Prangley, Mary Donaldson, Theta Zornes, Christopher Clites and David Martin.

Special Legislative Session March 21, 2001

1. Disapproved motion to deny special exception for operation of daycare center at 5307 Powhatan Road (owners: Mack and Deborah Grade) - Ward 6. (CMs Herman, Tiberio, Davis and Gross opposed).

2. Approved motion to grant special exception for operation of daycare center at 5307 Powhatan Road (owners: Mack and Deborah Grade) - Ward 6. (CMs Donaldson and Scott opposed).

(Mayor Ferguson and CMs Donaldson and Scott left the meeting before the following action).

3. Approved 2001-R-2, a resolution to permit ingress to W. Beale Circle from East-West Highway with no egress onto East-West Highway. (Ward 4).

This page was last changed on Monday, June 25, 2001. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4830 times.