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Council Actions for March 2002

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(Town Crier for March 2002)
§ Bits and Pieces for March 2002
§ Community Circles for March 2002
§ Council Actions for March 2002
§ Farewell to a Valued Co-worker
§ Seeking Documentation of Riverdale Park's History
§ Now, Just Waiting for Federal Approval. . .
§ Mayor's Report for March 2002
§ January 2002 Crime Report
§ Public Works Report for March 2002
§ Reconstitution and Riverdale
§ Time to Be More Efficient and Fair in Refuse Collection
§ Resumen de Noticias en Español Marzo 2002
§ New Bus Stops for TheBus (F14)

Following is a summary of council actions taken at the February 4 regular legislative session. Absences, abstentions, and opposing votes are noted.

Regular Legislative Session
February 4, 2002
(CM Blaschke absent)

  1. Approved Resolution 2001-OR-3--An Ordinance to amend section 64-18 of the Ordinance Code of the Town of Riverdale Park to impound vehicles within the jurisdiction with two or more parking violations that have been outstanding for greater than thirty days.
  2. Approved granting Doug and Susan McElrath the authority to accept items for the town archives.

  3. Approved donation form to be used by the McElrath's for town archives.
  4. Tabled the matter of the Town Center restrictive covenants until the February 19 meeting.
  5. Created a handicap parking space at 4812 Riverdale Road.
  6. Approved the latest formation of the DHCD contract to receive the $300,000 Community Legacy Grant awarded to the town.
  7. Approved allowing the Mayor to execute WSSC agreement and any modifications by WSSC unless the modifications contravene or go against the draft agreement, concerning replacement, or furnishing the town with $468,000 to cover damages to streets caused by the water relining project.
This page was last changed on Sunday, April 7, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5192 times.