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Council Actions for May 2002

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(Town Crier for May 2002)
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§ Resumen de Noticias en Español Mayo 2002
§ Verano Exitoso de Aprendizaje de la Escuela Elemental Riverdale
§ Welcome Aboard to Krista Baker-Hernandez

Following is a summary of council actions taken at the April 1 regular legislative session. Absences, abstentions, and opposing votes are noted. Regular Legislative Session
April 1, 2002

(CM Blaschke and Almirez absent)

  1. Approved a PEPCO light in the vicinity of 43rd and Queensbury Road.

  2. Approved Resolution 2002-R-1. Mayor Herman cast deciding vote. CM Tiberio and Davis opposed.

  3. Resolution 2002-OR-1 was introduced clarifying acceptable trash receptacles.

  4. Approved establishing 10 permit parking spaces for teachers at Riverdale Elementary School from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Location: the eastbound stretch of the 5000 block of Riverdale Road.

  5. Motion to approve appropriation to reconfigure parking spaces on the 5000 block of Riverdale Road was tabled until May Legislative meeting.

  6. Approved motion to sole source the contract not to exceed $9,000 for 5 additional light poles for Riverdale Road from HADCO and to suspend the rules on competitive

    bidding pursuant to the charter and grant the sole source contract passed unanimously.

  7. Approved awarding contract to Trans Metro for installation of two lights on Riverdale Road (for Dumm's) for an amount not to exceed $5,000 and to suspend the competitive bid process.

  8. Introduced Resolution 2002-CR-1 regarding annexation of Jemal's Calvert Kenilworth (re: 6811 and 6715 Kenilworth Avenue and 5711 Sarvis Avenue).

  9. Unanimous consent for proclamation of April 26, 2002 as the first official celebration of Arbor Day in the town, to continue every year on the fourth Friday of April.

  10. Unanimous consent for proclamation to recognize Earth Day in the town on April 22.

  11. Approved motion to award a sole source contract to Trans Metro Corp. and to suspend charter rules for a fee not to exceed $7,500 on condition that the State of Maryland grants use of that money and work, as part of the Riverdale Road lighting project.

  12. Approved motion to enter the program for limited mosquito spraying in Wards 3, 5, and 6.

This page was last changed on Tuesday, May 28, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5209 times.