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A Day of Town Planning

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(Town Crier for July/August 2002)
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§ Resúmen de Noticias en Español Julio/Augusto 2002
§ A Day of Town Planning

Thank you for your participation at the June 8, 2002 "Day of Planning" workshop held at the Calvert House Restaurant focused on development design guidelines for US 1. This event was sponsored by the City of Riverdale Park and the Prince George's County Planning Department.

The workshop was attended by well informed and enthusiastic participants. Their contributions were and are critical to the success of the Riverdale Park Mixed-Use-Town Center (M-U-TC) Development Plan and Design Guidelines. As Councilperson Chris Davis said, "This workshop marks the beginning and not the end of a long conversation that will ultimately benefit our town."

In the spirit of those words, Planning Department staff will continue to update the community through status reports which will be given monthly at the work session meetings of the Riverdale Park Mayor and Council. The first such update will be July 29. A local M-U-TC Committee is also being created to assist the Planning Department staff in developing appropriate design guidelines and determining boundaries. Committee members will be notified shortly of the first meeting of the M-U-TC Committee.

This page was last changed on Monday, July 22, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5077 times.