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Public Works Report for February 2003

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§ Public Works Report for February 2003
§ Noticias en Español Febrero 2003


Loose leaf collection season is over. Residents who still have leaves should bag them and put them out for yard waste on their first collection day of each week. Clear bags are preferred.

Alternatively, you can improve gardens this winter by shredding leaves with a lawn mower and raking the resulting mulch into flowerbeds. By spring it will decompose and enrich the soil.

Holiday Schedule

Public Works is closed for President's Day on February 17, 2003. Regular trash and yard waste pickup for the whole town will be on Tuesday, February 18, 2003.

Christmas Trees

Discarded Christmas trees are to be put out on yard waste collection day. The trees will be re-used by Anacostia Watershed Society to stabilize stream banks along the Northeast Branch.

Tires Reminder

Tires will not be picked up free this spring. There is a charge of $2.50 each ($2.00 for seniors 60+) for tire pickup. Tires are a notorious breeding ground for all types of mosquitoes, particularly the Asian Tiger Mosquito. In our efforts to remove and reduce these breeding grounds, dispose of your tires as soon as possible.

Snow Emergency Parking

During a snow emergency vehicles are to be parked on the odd-numbered side of the street.


Did you know that residential recycling actually saves the town tax money? The town pays a disposal fee for regular garbage, based on weight and volume. So, any material that is removed from the waste stream and put into recycling or composting results in cost savings for the town. Help us make the most of your tax money by recycling your newspapers, phone books, magazines, glass, tin and aluminum cans, and plastics.

Recycling buckets

Recycling bucket replacements can be obtained free from Prince George's County Office of Recycling at 301-952-7630. Plastic Bags For Sale

The town office sells heavy-gauge clear plastic bags for $2.50 per roll of 25 bags. Placing yard waste in clear bags will save time as our collectors can immediately distinguish yard waste from other trash.

This page was last changed on Saturday, February 8, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5053 times.