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Volunteer for the March 2003 Clean Up

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§ Riverdale Park Weathers the Storm

Calling all walkers, bikers, gardeners, and trash-busters to help clean up the bike path along the Riverdale Park portion of the Anacostia River. Spring is almost upon us - what better way to celebrate than to join neighbors and friends in a community clean up on March 29, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

We will perform trash pickup along the Northeast Branch of the river, starting at the bridge under East-West Highway and heading south along the bike path. Volunteers will meet at 9:00 a.m. sharp, in the parking lot of the Riverdale Community Recreation Center, near the children's playground. The parking lot is located just north of East-West Highway where it intersects the Northeast Branch of the Anacostia River. If driving, enter the park from River Road. A map of the trail system, including the Riverdale Community Recreation Center is located at

Families and supervised children are encouraged to attend. Bring a pair of gloves and a bottle of water or other refreshment with you. Dress in layers for the weather. The event is sponsored by the Riverdale Park Tree Committee in cooperation with the Anacostia Watershed Society. We will supply garbage bags, extra gloves, and some refreshments. Community service hours can be earned through this event. Note: If there is snow or rain on March 29, the event will be rescheduled for April 5.

We hope to see you on the 29th! For further information, call Alice Ewen Walker at 301-699-2203.


This page was last changed on Friday, July 11, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5150 times.