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Finance Update for June 2003

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(Town Crier for June 2003)
§ A Note to Ward 3
§ Bits and Pieces for June 2003
§ Community Circles for June 2003
§ Council Actions Summary for June 2003
§ Finance Update for June 2003
§ Mayor's Report for June 2003
§ Police Activity Report for April 2003
§ Public Works Notices for June 2003
§ Noticias en Español for Junio de 2003
§ Town Receives Awards (June 2003)
§ Christmas in April Lends a Hand (2003)

By Guy Tiberio
Finance Chairman & Mayor-elect

By the time you receive this edition of the Town Crier, the public hearing on the Mayor's proposed budget will have been held, and the Mayor and Council will have received questions and suggestions by residents for further consideration prior to the adoption of the budget and setting of tax rates for 2003-2004.

The only dilemma facing your Mayor and Council is the same one as faced every two years. The incumbent Mayor and Council receive, study, hold hearings on the proposed budget and then the newly elected Mayor and Council are tasked with setting the tax rate and amending and adopting the final budget.

Seven or eight years ago, when the Town Charter was being completely reviewed and updated, a proposal was made to move our election time to

September (as other municipalities have done) so as to assure a continuity of elected officials involved in the budget process. Another proposal was to return to the former process used many years ago of electing three council members one year and electing the other three council members the next year. During the next year, I will appoint a special committee of citizens to further study all options and make recommendation to the Mayor and Council.

I also would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of our community for electing me as Mayor for the next two years. I assure you my every effort will be for the improvement and betterment of Riverdale Park. Your assistance and cooperation in this effort will be appreciated.

     - Guy Tiberio

This page was last changed on Sunday, August 31, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4634 times.