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A Tree Report In Progress |
By Ann Ferguson The State Forester, Beth Bader, has begun an inventory of trees on private property. The purpose of the project is to identify the size, specie and density of trees at individual properties so information will be available to homeowners. Ms. Bader and her assistant, Laura Donaldson, began their work on Longfellow Street in Ward 3. They checked all yards from Taylor Road to 47th Avenue and identified 115 trees over 10" DBH (diameter at breast height) and noted 74 additional trees under the 10" diameter. Many of the Longfellow Street trees are much larger than a 10" diameter--some are over 20" in diameter and one is a 28" diameter. The variety of trees shows an impressive assortment: Norway Maple, Silver Maple and Red Maple, Walnut and White Walnut, Cedar, Sweet Gum, Ash, Red Oak, White Oak, Scarlet Oak and Willow Oak, Tulip Poplar, Black Cherry, Hickory, Norway Spruce, Weeping Cherry, Mulberry, Holly, Elm, Pine, Dogwood and Catalpa. Aerial photographs of the town taken in the past few years have shown that we have a generous tree cover. The first results of this inventory validates that the wealth of trees is not only from town tree planting efforts, but that homeowners have contributed to keeping us "green" through their planting and care of existing trees on their properties. Ms. Bader was amazed at the number and variety of trees that grow in Longfellow Street yards. She stated: "I believe this is the most varied selection of large trees I have seen anywhere in Prince George's County." As more information is added to the inventory Ms. Bader will inform us on the largest trees she identifies and the most unusual and rare species found. Updates on the streets completed will be printed in The TownCrier and homeowners can ask that a listing of their trees be provided.
Elks Lodge #1778 Event On Saturday, March 24, members of the Elks Lodge on Kenilworth Avenue invited me to represent the town at a special luncheon. The Hon. Dwayne Rumney, Exalted Ruler of the 2200 lodges with over one million members nationwide, was the guest of honor. Mr. Rumney lives in Minnesota and has been active in the community service of the Elks organization since the 1960s. Elks Lodge #1778 has contributed financial support to the Police Department for special projects for many years. On behalf of the town I presented Mr. Rumney with a cap from the Riverdale Park Police Department and an inscribed copy of the town's 75th anniversary history book.
Local Artist on Display at Town Hall Mike Gallup, resident of Sheridan Street, has loaned four pieces of his photographic art of views of Riversdale for display at town hall. The pieces have been hung in the new conference room and we express our gratitude to this talented resident for his generous loan.
Annual Spring Clean-up Thursday, April 26 Under an annual "Clean It Up" County program, on Thursday, April 26 the Public Works Department can take material from residents' house and yard clean up without a charge for dumping fees. This is a great opportunity to get ready for summer--rid your yards of eyesores and nesting areas for rodents and the summer picnic season will find you ready to go. Special notice: On this day only, tires can be placed at the curb for pick-up.
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This page was last changed on Monday, June 25, 2001. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5340 times. |