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Riverdale Citizen's Association

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Local Navigation Links
(Town Groups)
§ Riverdale Boys & Girls Club
§ Building Standards Committee
§ Riverdale Business Association
§ Riverdale Citizen's Association
§ Community Center Study Committee
§ Riversdale Historical Society
§ Town History Center Committee
§ Riverdale Ladies Auxiliary of the Riverdale Fire Department
§ Riverdale Lions Club
§ Preservation Association of Riverdale Park
§ Riverdale Elementary Parent Teacher Association
§ Resident's Association for Progress in the Town of Riverdale
§ Riverdale Park Buyer's Group
§ Riverdale Park Recreation Board
§ Senior's Club
§ Traffic Study Committee
§ Tree Committee
§ Veterans Monument Committee
§ Neighborhood Watch
§ Web Site Committee

The Riverdale Citizens' Association is a group of concerned citizens who act as watchdogs for town government. They are particularly interested in the betterment of the Town and helping the needy with food baskets.

Contact R.C.A. President Guy Tiberio, (301) 864-3545, for more information, or to find out about the next meeting time and place.

This page was last changed on Sunday, October 4, 1998. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 13054 times.