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Town Crier for September 2002

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§ Community Circles for September 2002
§ Council Actions for September 2002
§ Farewell and a Happy Retirement for Eulaine H. Jones
§ Mayor's Report for September 2002
§ Summary of Multiple-Dwelling Unit Inspection Ordinance
§ Riverdale Park Mixed-Use Town Center
§ Neighbors Helping Neighbors in September 2002
§ July 2002 Crime Report
§ Public Works Report for September 2002
§ Resúmen de Noticias en Español Septiembre 2002
§ Riverdale Elementary School Report for September 2002


[A resolution declaring that the sale of certain property is in the public interest.]

WHEREAS, the Town of Riverdale Park is in negotiations with Potomac Development Corporation for the placement of an Eckerd's drug store at the intersection of East-West Highway and Route 1; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Riverdale Park stands to gain tremendous public benefit of public open space by the proposed development; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Riverdale Park owns a parcel of land at the intersection of East-West Highway and Route 1 which was purchased by the Town approximately two years ago for $30,000; and

WHEREAS, the acquisition of this parcel is necessary to create the mandatory building setbacks for the proposed redevelopment; and

WHEREAS, the Town had previously anticipated that this parcel which is worth $200 on land tax records would be the future location of a masonry gateway sign and pocket park with landscaping; and

WHEREAS, the Town by selling said parcel will be able to create profit for the Town and accomplish the landscape and design improvements at a cost borne not by Town taxpayers.

NOW WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the property owned by the Town of Riverdale Park at the intersection of Route 1 and East West Highway is no longer needed for a public use, other than what is protected by covenants that will be executed with Potomac Development Corporation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the sale of said property to Potomac Development Corporation for $33,000 is just compensation to the Town of Riverdale Park.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT sale of said property will inure significant public benefits to the Town of Riverdale Park, including an expanded Beale Circle Park with public gazebo, improved parking and lighting for businesses in the area, a permanent dedicated masonry gateway sign at the intersection of Route 1 and East-West Highway, and increased landscaping in the vicinity of the proposed Eckerd store.

This page was last changed on Saturday, November 16, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 9022 times.