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Public Works Notices for July/August 2003

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(Town Crier for July/August 2003)
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§ Mayor's Report for July/August 2003
§ A Message to Residents of Park Tanglewood and Riverdale Towers Apartments
§ National Night Out August 5th 2003
§ Police Activity Report for May 2003
§ Public Works Notices for July/August 2003
§ Noticias en español para julio de 2003
§ How You Can Help Riverdale Park July/August 2003
§ What is the Community Affairs Committee?

Holiday Pick Up: Friday, July 4, 2003, Public Works will be closed. Garbage pick up for the whole town will be on Thursday, July 3, 2003. This includes bulk trash and metal.

Keep our Town Beautiful: Please sweep or remove grass clippings and weeds from the sidewalk and curb/gutter when mowing lawns or trimming weeds near the sidewalk or streets. It is against the Town Code to cause any material of any kind to be scattered, dropped, etc. upon any street, alley, sidewalk, gutter, roadway or public place within the town. This allows easy flow of water along the gutters and keeps our town beautiful.

Getting Rid of Mosquitoes: Now that the summer heat has started after many weeks of rain, mosquito season is in full swing. Our wet spring is leading to especially high larvae populations. You can reduce mosquito annoyance in your yard by eliminating sites around the outside of the home that serve as habitat for mosquito larvae. As little as ½ inch of water in a discarded tin can will support dozens of mosquitoes. Clean roof gutters and corrugated downspout drainpipes. Flush birdbaths and containers under potted plants twice a week. Properly dispose of used tires (Public Works will pick up for small fee.) Turn over wading pools, wheelbarrows, pails, and any other object that holds water, including items stored under decks and porches. Drain water from tarps and grill covers. Mulch soggy ground to absorb water.

This page was last changed on Monday, September 1, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5159 times.