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Mayor's Report for September 2003

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(Town Crier for September 2003)
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§ Fair Summaries of Ordinance Resolutions for September 2003
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§ Public Works Notices for September 2003
§ Noticias en español para septiembre de 2003
§ Ward 3 Report for September 2003

Our government is now entering the third month of the fiscal year and I must tell you the activity has been productive in our attempts to apply for grants, seek alterative funding sources, seek new development projects, network with other newly elected state and county officials, write new legislation for introduction by our state delegates in Annapolis, and numerous other projects.

Mr. Prangley and I have had meetings with our county council representative, Tom Hendershot, in an attempt to expedite M-U-TC zoning and other municipal/county concerns. We have met with our State Delegate, Tawanna Gaines, to express our concern over the acquisition of much of our industrial property by the University ofMaryland, depriving us of much needed tax revenue.

We have met with state representatives regarding future projects such as the Riverdale Road and Queensbury Road programs, storm drain improvement projects, and others.

I have met with Douglas Development Corporation and other developers regarding the Town Center, Cafritz Property, Eckard project and others proposed, looking to the future.

Internally we have returned the Code Enforcement Department to the Administrative Office. Our belief is the many code problems in our Town can be better addressed with the cooperation of Code Enforcement, Public Works,Police Department in the Mayor[base ']s Office. While this has been in effect for only two months, many steps have and will be taken to ensure enforcement of our code and to further the education of the many new residents as to procedures and laws which must be followed.

In conclusion, I wish to report our submission of a proposal to the County Executive[base ']s Office for a grant under the [base "]Liveable Communities Initiative.[per thou] We have submitted numerous projects for their consideration with the goal of making our town a better place to live. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Prangley, his staff, Public Works, Councilman Hart, Beautification Chairperson Cesar Romero, and others who contributed their time and efforts in an attempt to be successful in this endeavor.

This page was last changed on Friday, September 5, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5028 times.