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Military Style Dog Tags

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(Town Crier for June & July, 1999)
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§ Military Style Dog Tags
§ Letter from Joyce Alderson to Public Works
§ Our Flag...My Point of View
§ Military Surplus Yard Sale
§ Post-Election Comments
§ Riverdale Boys and Girls Club Wins Tournament
§ Veterans Monument Honor Roll for June & July 1999

After the veterans monument is built and after the time capsule has been buried; you may want to remember this important event in our town's history. You can do this by purchasing a commemorative dog tag on a 24-inch beaded chain for $7.50 each.

The dog tags are available at the Riverdale Town Hall, Dumm's Corner, Riverdale Auto Service, S&J Restaurant, Riverdale Book Shop and at our weekly Military Surplus Yard Sales. All proceeds go toward the Veterans Monument building fund.

This page was last changed on Friday, June 11, 1999. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 8236 times.