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Words of Advice from a Youngster

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(Town Crier for June & July, 1999)
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by Carolyn Badders

I recently took part in an exciting Earth Day event. As part of the Port Towns Youth Council I chipped in on the cleanup of the Anacostia River. It was a fun event. We were each on a team. Each team constructed a crude sculpture out of the trash collected from the river. The sculptures were judged and given prizes for, "Most unusual", and "Most defiance of gravity" etc... We also had a long soccer game after our successful cleanup to celebrate.

At the same time it was a sad event. So many people litter, which results in a lot of the trash in the Anacostia River. We played a major role in making it better, but it's gross to see mattresses and tires in our river. As Mayor Ann Ferguson said, "Trashy people throw trash." When you throw things in the sewers or on the road it ends up in a body of water. When enough people do that, we end up with almost two truckloads of trash.

We are lucky to have a river just a short walk from where we live, but we need to work together to keep it clean. Maybe next year you can come out and help us cleanup and have fun. Until then, don't throw trash and teach your children to respect our wonderful river.

Carolyn Badders is a student a Riverdale Elementary School and a resident of Ward 3.

This page was last changed on Friday, June 11, 1999. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 6265 times.