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Condolences for May 2000

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§ Finding Common Ground: Riverdale and Riverdale Heights Volunteer Fire Departments Discuss Consolidation

Walter Milburn

Long-time resident Walter Milburn, age 91, of Somerset Road died on April 12. Mr. Milburn and his family moved to the town in 1939; his wife and daughter continue to reside at the family home.

Walter Milburn was employed by the Capital Traction Company in the 1920s and later became track foreman of the successor company, D. C. Transit (today known as Metro). His primary duty was to see that trolley track switches were kept clear so streetcars could switch from one line to another. He worked with the construction crew which installed the streetcar line connecting Riverdale to Branchville.

Helen Blount, Mr. Milburn's daughter, remembers the convenience of boarding a streetcar at the town center to get into the city for shopping, visits to the Carnegie Library and family outings to movies and theatres.

Mr. Milburn was a resident of Crescent Cities Center at the time of his death. Condolences are extended to his family.

Susie Ferris

Mrs. Susie Ferris, aged 84, of Riverside Drive died on April 3. A resident of the town since 1938, Mrs. Ferris first lived on Powhatan Road and, after her marriage to Marvin Ferris in 1943, they moved to Patterson Road. The construction of East-West Highway in the 1960s resulted in a relocation for Mr. and Mrs. Ferris and they purchased the house on Riverside Drive. Mr. Ferris died in 1997.

Mrs. Ferris enjoyed working in her yard and was an active member of the Cora B. Woods Senior

Center. Condolences are offered to her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

This page was last changed on Thursday, May 4, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed times.