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Town Crier for February 2002

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§ Greetings from New Public Works Director
§ Mayor's Report for February 2002
§ New Code Enforcement Officer
§ Get to Know Your Police Department for February 2002
§ December 2001 Crime Report
§ Resolution 2001-OR-3
§ Help Your Environment by Recycling
§ Pagina De Resumen En Español Febrero 2002
§ Town Needs Teachers and Helpers
§ Town Center Developer Chosen, Town Also Receives $300,000 Legacy Grant
§ Treasures For Sale - A Silent Auction

Riverdale Park Clears One More Hurdle in Quest for Historic District

By Chris Davis

On December 18, Mayor Michael Herman, Councilmember Cindy Blaschke, and I appeared before the Historic Preservation Commission of the Prince George's County Planning Board to seek the HPC's recommendation for the Riverdale Park and West Riverdale Park Historic Districts.

Riverdale Park was on the same agenda as College Park's Calvert Hills neighborhood, which directly borders Ward 4 on the north, and both municipalities share their historic beginnings at Riversdale, a National Historic Landmark. Howard Berger and Laura Treischmann made abbreviated presentations of those they gave to the town in October and answered questions about the town's history. The HPC received all three proposals enthusiastically and voted unanimously (of those in attendance) to recommend to the state National Register Districts for Calvert Hills, Riverdale Park, and West Riverdale Park.

The next step is state consideration of the two town districts in February.

Chris Davis, Ward 4 Councilmember, is President of the Preservation Association of Riverdale Park.

This page was last changed on Saturday, April 6, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 8830 times.